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Deputy Minister Le Quan welcomed the delegation of Asian Development Bank
03:09 PM 06/02/2018
(LDXH) At the meeting, Deputy Minister Le Quan and representatives of Asian Development Bank (ADB) discussed about the Skills Enhancement Project and the ADB asked for MOLISA’s opinion about future corporation between the two sides.
In January 28th 2018, at headquarters of MOLISA, Deputy Minister Le Quan had a meeting with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) delegation led by Eric Sidgwick - Director of the Representatives Office in Vietnam. Attending the meeting were representatives of the leaders of the General Department of Vocational Education, International Cooperation Department and the Department of Planning and Finance.
Deputy Minister Le Quan had a speech at the meeting
Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister Le Quan said that Vietnam's economy was developing and vocational education as well as other fields would also grow in association with the market economy. Therefore, under all circumstances, MOLISA always needs the cooperation and support of ADB. By the end of the concessional loan, vocational education institutions are undoubtedly in need of other loans to develop projects but it will be deployed at a different scale to bring higher returns.
Representatives of ADB discussed about the Skills Enhancement Project with MOLISA
Deputy Minister Le Quan affirmed that an economy that wanted to develop must have skilled and quality human resources. Therefore, the priority of the Government of Vietnam as well as MOLISA is to mobilize resources and loans to invest in vocational education and training of human resources in order to meet the requirements of economic development.
With the Skills Enhancement Project, Deputy Minister Le Quan Deputy Minister Le Quan said that at the Vietnam Economic Development Forum and the Vietnam Business Forum, both the World Bank and ADB affirmed that vocational education and job training in Vietnam now needed priority investment to meet the human resources requirements for Vietnamese enterprises in the future. Hence, Deputy Minister Le Quan hoped that ADB will keep working with MOLISA to continue the project.
Preview of the meeting
Eric Sidgwick - Director of ADB Representative Office in Viet Nam thanked Deputy Minister Le Quan for the warm welcome and emphasized that vocational education was always an important area to be invested in. ADB is also working hard to cooperate with MOLISA to implement the project this year.


Translated into English by Minh Ngoc

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