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Promote labour relations between Vietnam and Hungary
09:55 AM 18/03/2024
(LĐXH)- On the morning of March 14, at the Headquarters of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, Deputy Minister Nguyen Ba Hoan had a meeting with Mr. Baloghdi Tibor, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Vietnam.
Deputy Minister Nguyen Ba Hoan received Mr. Baloghdi Tibor
At the event, Deputy Minister Nguyen Ba Hoan highly appreciated the bilateral relationship between Vietnam and Hungary in recent times. This relationship is constantly being strengthened and developed in many important sectors
However, the labour cooperation between the two countries has not yet achieved many good results worthy of the diplomatic relations between the two countries.
The Deputy Minister said that currently, Vietnam has about 700,000 workers working in 30 different occupational groups in more than 40 countries and territories such as Japan, Taiwan, Korea and other countries in the Middle East and European regions as Germany, Czech Republic... For the Hungarian market, up to now there are nearly 3,500 Vietnamese workers working in this country.
Deputy Minister Nguyen Ba Hoan proposed that the Ambassador would act as a bridge for the two Governments to clarify legal issues to create conditions to support Vietnamese workers working in Hungary; as well as create conditions to support Vietnamese workers in issuing labour VISAs; and Support Vietnamese labour recruitment units in foreign language training to help workers integrate more easily in the new environment.
Responding, Ambassador Baloghdi Tibor said that the Hungarian Government and people are always open in accepting Vietnamese workers.
In recent times, the number of Vietnamese workers coming to work in Hungary is relatively large compared to other countries and has integrated relatively quickly into the new working environment.
Along with that, Vietnamese labour employers in Hungary also appreciate Vietnamese workers as being very hard-working and skilled to meet work needs.
Ambassador Baloghdi Tibor also hoped that in the coming time, the two sides would discuss and come up with solutions to contribute to promoting cooperation in the sectors of labour in particular and the bilateral relationship between the two countries in general.
Hungarian businesses also hope that the MoLISA will act as a bridge so that businesses of the two countries have the opportunity to work together to further promote the bringing of Vietnamese workers to work in Hungary./.
Translated by Hong Minh
TAG: abour relations between Vietnam and Hungary
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