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MoLISA Minister Dao Ngoc Dung meets voters in Thanh Hoa province
09:21 AM 28/06/2023
(LĐXH)- On the morning of June 27, the National Assembly delegation of Thanh Hoa province had a meeting with voters after the 5th session of the 15th National Assembly in Nga Son district. The event was attended by Minister of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) Dao Ngoc Dung.

At the meeting, the National Assembly delegation of Thanh Hoa province announced the content and program of the 5th session of the 15th National Assembly, as well as the results of the resolution of voters' petitions.
Accordingly, after 23 working days (phase 1 from May 22 to June 10; phase 2 from June 19 to June 24) with the spirit of innovation, solidarity, democracy, wisdom and responsibility, the 5th session of the 15th National Assembly completed the entire proposed program.
The National Assembly has decided on many key tasks and solutions for the Government, all levels and sectors to continue drastically implementing in order to complete the set goals, tasks and solutions.
At the same time, request the Government and agencies to implement and have specific and possible solutions to solve the shortcomings in order to achieve the highest goals and targets set by the National Assembly's resolution.
On behalf of the National Assembly deputies, Minister Dao Ngoc Dung thanked the love and trust of the voters of Nga Son district to the deputies.
At the same time, he expressed his delight at the results achieved in socio-economic development, the implementation of social security policies as well as the maintenance of political security in the district over the past time.
Listening and answering voters' questions related to the policy of people with meritorious services, Minister Dao Ngoc Dung assessed voters' opinions and recommendations very deeply and appropriately. He suggested the National Assembly delegation of Thanh Hoa province to summarize and have a timely solution.
On this occasion, Minister Dao Ngoc Dung and Vice Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee Le Duc Giang presented gifts to 50 households with meritorious services and poor households in Nga Son district./.
Translated by Hong Minh
TAG: the National Assembly delegation of Thanh Hoa province
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